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Fresh Flowers

Shop our collection of fresh flowers, designed and arranged by our talented florists in our London workshop. We deliver all our fresh flowers across London and nationwide.


Luxe Red Roses Valentine's Bouquet: Valentines Pre OrderValentine's Day 2024 red roses luxury bouquet by Botanique Workshop
Valentine's Day gift set with red pink roses bouquet candle and jar of bath saltsValentine's Day gift set with red pink roses bouquet candle and jar of bath salts
Pink and Red Valentine's Day bouquetLove Hearts Bouquet : Valentines pre-order
Sweet Apricot BouquetSweet Apricot Bouquet
Sweet Apricot Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
Wild Pastels BouquetWild Pastels Bouquet
Wild Pastels Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
soft pink pastel wild flowers bouaquet delivered across London and UK Nationwide by Botanique Workshopsoft pink pastel wild flowers bouaquet delivered across London and UK Nationwide by Botanique Workshop
Soft Pastels Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
classic white bouquet with white roses and eucalyptus for delivery in London and UK Nationwideclassic white bouquet with white roses and eucalyptus for delivery in London and UK Nationwide
Classic White Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
burgundy and pink flower bouquet gift set with fig and rosemary candle and himalayan bath saltsburgundy and pink flower bouquet gift set with fig and rosemary candle and himalayan bath salts
Burgundy's & Pinks Gift Set Sale priceFrom £105.00
Colourful fresh flowers bouquet with purple delphinium, orange gerbera and ppink snadragonPops of Colour Bouquet
Pops of Colour Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
muted tones fresh flower bouquet with eucalyptus roses and thistlemuted tones fresh flower bouquet with eucalyptus roses and thistle
Muted tones Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
Mother's Day flower bouquet gift set with candles and bath saltsMother's Day flower bouquet gift set with candles and bath salts
Sweet Apricot Gift Set Sale priceFrom £105.00
icelandic poppies and mimosa fresh flowers bouquet available for London & UK flower deliveryicelandic poppies and mimosa fresh flowers bouquet available for London & UK flower delivery
Starburst Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
romantic bouquet with burgundy and pink flowersromantic bouquet with burgundy and pink flowers
Deep Burgundy's and Pinks Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00