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Valentine's Day Gifts for Her

Find the perfect thoughtful Valentine's Day gifts for her. Treat the woman you love most to a gift she'll love and remember for years. From the most beautiful Valentine's Day fresh flower bouquets to dried flower arrangements designed to last, handmade jewellery and wellness gifts.  More info & Valentine's Day delivery policies here. Receive free delivery by pre-ordering your flowers & gifts.


Valentine's Day gift set with red pink roses bouquet candle and jar of bath saltsValentine's Day gift set with red pink roses bouquet candle and jar of bath salts
flower bouquet making workshop and class in Londonflower arranging workshops and classes by Botanique Workshop in London
Cosmos Studio "Alpha" Earrings
"love" pressed flower design card by Botanique Workshop
Cosmos Studio "Lo" EarringsCosmos Studio "Lo" Earrings
Cosmos Studio "Lo" Earrings Sale price£19.50
Multi-Use Lavender Therapy Pillow: Large Liberty PrintMulti-Use Lavender Therapy Pillow: Large Liberty Print
Cosmos Studio "Ara" Earrings
Linen Hair Band | Wes Gingham
Cosmos Studio "Venus" Earrings
muted tones fresh flower bouquet with eucalyptus roses and thistlemuted tones fresh flower bouquet with eucalyptus roses and thistle
Muted tones Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
Fawn Wood Dried Flower BouquetFawn Wood Dried Flower Bouquet
Fawn Wood Dried Flower Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
Umber Sand Dried Flower BouquetUmber Sand Dried Flower Bouquet
Umber Sand Dried Flower Bouquet Sale priceFrom £52.00
Lavender and Hydrangea purple muted dried flower bouquetLavender and Hydrangea purple muted dried flower bouquet
Strawberry Field Dried Flower BouquetStrawberry Field Dried Flower Bouquet
Multi-Use Lavender Therapy Pillow: Small Liberty PrintMulti-Use Lavender Therapy Pillow: Small Liberty Print
ceramic hand thrown vase for flower bouquets handmade in the UK for Botanique WorkshopHand Thrown Stoneware Vase | Clear | 2 Sizes Available
Cosmos Studio by Botanique Workshop natural and golden shell earringsCosmos Studio by Botanique Workshop natural and golden shell earrings
Cosmos Studio Shell Earrings Sale priceFrom £25.00
Hand Cast Pressed Flower Necklace | FernHand Cast Pressed Flower Necklace | Fern
Botanique Workshop London gift voucher
Gift voucher Sale priceFrom £10.00
Blue Gingham Heart Mini Card
Hand Cast Shell Necklace | CockleHand Cast Shell Necklace | Cockle
Cosmos Studio "Leia" EarringsCosmos Studio "Leia" Earrings
Cosmos Studio "Maia" EarringsCosmos Studio "Maia" Earrings
Hand Cast Shell Necklace | ConchHand Cast Shell Necklace | Conch
Cosmos Studio "Aries" Earrings
Cosmos Studio "Libra" EarringsCosmos Studio "Libra" Earrings
Cosmos Studio "Luna" Earrings
Cosmos Studio "Cressida" Earrings
Workshop Voucher
Workshop Voucher Sale priceFrom £75.00
linen multi purpose cloth by Botanique Workshoplinen multi purpose cloth by Botanique Workshop
Linen Multi Purpose Cloth Sale price£15.00
Hand Cast Shell Necklace | SpiralHand Cast Shell Necklace | Spiral
Cosmos Studio "Rhea" EarringsCosmos Studio "Rhea" Earrings
Coriander and Lavender Reed Diffuser Set
Hand Cast Pressed Flower Necklace | DillHand Cast Pressed Flower Necklace | Dill
diy flower press kit by Botanique Workshopdiy flower press kit by Botanique Workshop
'You Are Divine' Female Greetings Card
Luxe Red Roses Valentine's Bouquet: Valentines Pre OrderValentine's Day 2024 red roses luxury bouquet by Botanique Workshop
Hand-poured Wildflower scented Soy CandlesHand-poured Wildflower scented Soy Candles
'Oval D Top Drop' Earring | Brass
'Mini Hoop' Earring | Silver
Hand-poured Eucalyptus scented Soy CandlesHand-poured Eucalyptus scented Soy Candles
'I Only Have Eyes For You' Greetings Card